Free way to subscribe to all Apple premium applications | How to do Apple Music service without making a payment

How to do Apple Music service without making a payment or, FREE.

Hello friends, welcome back to my blog again. so, today I will discuss about how to subscribe to Apple music without having to pay?, you are curious, hahaha? well ... yes indeed to be able to enjoy the Apple music service the customer must first make a payment to be able to enjoy this Apple music service, previously Apple adopted a payment method using a credit card or debit card, recently Apple has implemented a new payment method that is by using DANA can make it easier for apple product users to be able to enjoy apple services for people who don't have a credit or debit card, this is a surprise for apple users especially for apple users in INDONESIA, now they no longer pay to enjoy Apple Music services, yes this is indeed extraordinary .. how not? Indonesian Apple users can enjoy Apple Music service for 3 months free without paying at all, are you also interested in being able to enjoy this free Apple Music service? so, the way is very easy, many people do not know this way, because it does not make sense .. at first I was also confused why that could happen, but I am amazed by many things, because it is very much needed for those of you who do not have money and if you are the type of person whose life you want is all free, you can try this ... you know ... you know how? If you still do not understand I will make the tutorial ... because it is very easy ... hahahah ... hmmm wait a minute, it seems I have a new surprise for those of you whose lives are free. the good news is that Apple is applying payment  DANA not only to pay or enjoy Apple services, friends, it turns out you can also use funds to subscribe to YouTube for free for a month ... not only that ... here are apps that can be subscribed for free on an iPhone using only DANA:

1. Apple Music / 3 Month

2. Apple Tv / 1 Month

3. YouTube Premium / 1 Month

4. Kinemaster Pro Editor / 1 Month 

5. Apple Arcade / a Month

6. Appstore

7. and others

Well, here are some applications that can be used to use premium / pro services for free. for how to see our other blogs on YouClick, thank you for reading and searching for knowledge on our blog, don't forget to subscribe, share, and comment. share with your friends so your friends also know what you know. okey